Long-term Booking Policy

If you need to use the court regularly for a long time, welcome to apply for your long-term bookings.


  1. The venue is locked to ensure use
  2. Other bookings can also enjoy the privilege of booking first and paying later


  • Application qualifications
  1. Off-peak hours (7am-4:30pm on weekdays and 7am-8am on weekends)

You can apply directly.

  1. 4:30pm-8pm on weekdays and 8am-8pm on weekends

In the past 3 weeks, you have made bookings and actually used the court at the same time continuously.

  1. 8pm-11pm every day

The end time must be 11pm, otherwise you cannot apply.


  • Deposit

In general, the deposit for long-term bookings is twice the booking price.

If the user has other long-term bookings or other regular bookings, or the user has regular arrears, the deposit amount may be increased. Please refer to the email notified by MBC for details.


  • Application steps
  1. Confirm that you meet the above application qualifications;
  2. If you meet the application qualifications, send an email to enquiries@melbournebadminton.com to apply, detailing the long-term booking you need.
  3. If MBC replies that you can apply, top up credit to your account to ensure that the balance is not less than the required deposit, and notify MBC again by email after completion.
  4. After receiving the notification from MBC that the long-term booking has been established, log in to the system to confirm the long-term booking list, credit and deposit account balances, communicate by email if there are any issues, and complete if there are no problems.


  • Fee payment regulations

Please top up online to pay at the latest before each booking starts, and ensure that all your bookings for the day are green on our reception display. If you delay payment, your long-term bookings may be deleted.


  • Cancellation Rules

For customers with long-term bookings, since you may own many courts or hours in one day, you should follow the following special cancellation requirements:

  1. If the courts*hours to be cancelled are more than or equal to 3, at least 2 days in advance, i.e. 48 hours;
  2. If the courts *hours to be cancelled are more than or equal to 6, at least 4 days in advance, i.e. 96 hours;
  3. If the courts *hours to be cancelled are more than or equal to 9, at least 6 days in advance, i.e. 144 hours;

Otherwise, even if you can get a refund automatically through the system, MBC still reserves the right to ask you to pay the fee.


  • Deletion Rules

MBC will delete your long-term booking if any of the following is met:

  1. 3 consecutive cancellations, or 4 cumulative cancellations in the past 3 months (except between December 1 and January 31)
  2. 2 consecutive arrears for more than 1 week, or 3 arrears for more than 1 week in the past 3 months

There will be no special notification for deletion, please pay attention to it by yourself and raise any questions to MBC


  • Resumption Rules
  1. If you do not need certain long-term bookings for special reasons in a short term, you can apply for suspension to MBC by email. After it can be restored, as long as it is available and there has been no overdue payment for more than one week in the past month, you can get it again immediately.
  2. If you did not apply for suspension, your application qualification will be suspended for 3 months. Reapply according to the new application qualification after 3 months.


  • Reclaim by MBC

MBC will reclaim your long-term bookings because of some special needs. You will be notified by email or phone, so please pay attention.


  • Other regulations
  1. We will continue to roll over your long-term bookings for you, and no routine notification will be made for each copy.
  2. Long Term bookings are arranged based on the bookings of schools and groups. If your long-term bookings conflict with these bookings on some dates, it will be cancelled. Please continue to pay attention and log in to the system to confirm the booking. We will not make any special notifications.
  3. Making your long-term bookings is an additional service. Due to the large number of customers and it is done manually; we cannot guarantee that there will be no human errors. In order to avoid possible disputes, you need to confirm all the bookings we make for you and be responsible for the results. If there are any errors, please tell us to correct them.





  1. 场地锁定,保障使用
  2. 其它预订同样可以享受先预订、后付款的特权
  • 申请资格
  1. 非高峰时段(工作日7am-4:30pm及周末7am-8am)


  1. 工作日4:30pm-8pm及周末8am-8pm


  1. 每天8pm-11pm



  • 押金




  • 申请步骤
  1. 自行确认符合前述申请资格;
  2. 如符合申请资格,发邮件至enquiries@melbournebadminton.com申请,详细说明所需的长期预订。
  3. 如MBC回复可申请,则给账户充值,确保余额不低于要求的押金,完成后再次邮件通知MBC。
  4. 收到MBC的长期预订已建立的通知,登录系统确认长期预订列表、credit和deposit账户余额,有问题以邮件形式沟通,无问题则完成。


  • 费用支付规定



  • 取消规则







  • 删除规则


  1. 连续取消3次,或过去的3个月累计取消4次(12月1日至1月31日之间除外)
  2. 连续2次欠款时间超过1周,或过去的3个月3次欠款时间超过1周



  • 恢复规则
  1. 如短期内因特殊原因不需要某些长期预订,可以以邮件形式向MBC申报暂停。待可重新恢复后,只要还有可安排的场地,且过去的1个月从无欠款时间超过一周,可以立刻恢复。
  2. 如未主动申报,而是MBC发现后被删除,则暂停申请资格3个月。3个月后按新申请资格重新申请。


  • 正常收回



  • 其他规定
  1. 我们就会为您持续滚动复制,每次复制不做例行通知。
  2. Long Term预订是在学校及合作组织预订基础上做的安排。如果某些日期与这些预订有冲突,您的预订将被取消。请持续关注并登录系统确认预订的情况,我们也不做特别的通知。
  3. 代您预订是额外的服务,因客户众多,且该工作纯属人工操作,我们不保证没有人为的操作错误。为了避免可能的争议,您需要确认所有我们帮您做的预订,并对结果负责。如果有任何的错误,请告诉我们纠正。
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